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My 3-Day Itinerary to Explore & Unwind in Salento, Colombia

Want to discover one of Colombia’s most enchanting spots?

Tucked in Colombia’s world-famous coffee triangle, the popular yet charming coffee district of Salento is an exquisite destination for coffee and nature lovers alike.

A tranquil escape on your trip to Colombia, this stunning site can be reached in just nine hours from Bogota.

Great sights from great heights- Valle de Corcora

I really didnt know what to expect, but any expectations were quickly surpassed! This small rural town exhibited a colourful and fascinating experience. Home to the world’s tallest palm trees, Salento is the go-to destination for authentic coffee, pretty colonial streets and horseback riding.

Quick facts/Contents:

  • The journey from Bogota to Salento: 10 hours total including a bus change at Armenia.
  • How to get around Salento: Primarily by jeep-like trucks called Willies. Also, by horseback, I think Salento is best enjoyed on foot however!
  • Must-sees/dos: Valley of wax palm trees (Valle de Corcora). Horse riding in the hills, El Ocaso coffee tour, Finca El Sestillal
  • Must eats: Hamburgueseria El Cacharrito, Casa La Eliana
  • What to bring: Good walking shoes (for the killer hills). Cash!- There are only 2 ATMs in Salento. And finally. a rain mac for unpredictable weather.
Photo by Saul Mercado on Unsplash

Making the Journey to Salento:

Multiple bus companies run from Bogota to Salento. So I suggest taking the bus. Not only to reduce your carbon footprint but travelling at night will also save you a night on accommodation!

  • Arriving at the Terminal de Transporte in Bogota we looked for the booth for our selected bus company. I can recommend Bolivariano for a cost of approximately £18. They had comfy seats, were not too crowded and air-conditioned hurrah!
  • The ride lasted 8 hours for us, before a bus change at Armenia. The journey can apparently range from 5-9hours! From Armenia, you then catch a 1-hour minibus- which runs from 5AM.
  • Recommendations for the journey: I remember feeling slightly nauseous on the winding hills to Salento. I recommend carrying car sickness tablets for those with a less strong stomach!

My Top Spots to Eat in Salento

Breakfast Spots:

Coffee Tree Hostel– where we stayed! Every morning they served us pancakes with Nutella, bread with a selection of jams and eggs- Only £5!
Brunch de Salento– Offers a delicious menu, and is highly recommended by locals for a proper Colombian brunch.

Lunches and Dinners:

Hamburgueseria El Cacharrito
Cheap and cheerful and highly recommended, the chimichurri burger, chips and a drink- equivalent to £10!
Casa La Eliana– (As above) this hostel serves excellent Indian curries at cheap prices. Main with rice and drink- £10

My 3-Day Itinerary to Explore and Unwind in Salento

DAY ONE(AM): Dive into nature in Salento’s Valle de Corcora

Rather than taking a well-deserved nap. At 7AM, we spontaneously headed out to take on the 10,000-foot hike to Valle de Corcora. A must-see for every Salento traveller’s bucket list.

A stunning puzzle of hiking trails, the Valle de Corcora is home to the world’s tallest palm tree. We caught a willy (local jeep taxis) from the central Salento square. Yes, the situation is slightly disorganised. But we eventually arrived by 10AM. I quickly noticed that everyone was heading off in random directions! This means your hike could vary anywhere from 2-7hours.

It somehow manages to all come together in the end! And though many may plan their route in advance, I thoroughly enjoy the element of surprise!

As Salento has warm weather year-round, carry PLENTY of water (we each carried 2LTRs and I would recommend more!) The hike can last anywhere from 2-7 hours due to the variety of routes. So remember to bring your sunscreen, a camera and solid walking shoes.

The world’s tallest palm trees- which can grow up to 200ft!

A top spot for beauty and relaxation, even if hiking is not your thing!

We took the route which headed straight up to the highest point- Finca La Montaña. After a brief coffee, we headed down via the waterfall and peaceful cow fields. Which seemed to be the easiest route on the knees! Overall, this tranquil destination offers beauty and a comfortably challenging hike for anyone.

**Top tip** The hike can last anywhere from 2-7 hours due to the many routes. Be sure to carry sun cream and plenty of water for all circumstances!

DAY ONE: (PM) Grab a coffee and watch the sunset from the many viewpoints

There’s something incredibly serene about sitting and sipping coffee in Colombia with farmers and their horses trotting by. We stayed at the Coffee Tree Hostel- a grand old farmhouse with a sizeable balcony overlooking the stunning scenery. A 15 min walk from the town centre, The Coffee Tree was an ideal spot to sip some authentic flavours. While watching the sun go down after a busy day on our feet!

DAY TWO (AM): Avoid the Queues and Walk to El Ocaso

Before setting off to Salento, I knew nothing about the village except for its popularity for coffee.

Hence my excitement to take part in a more touristy activity- the El Osaco tour!

More commonly tourists will grab one of the Willie jeeps to Finca el Ocaso. But within just an hour’s walk from central Salento, we decided to walk and avoid the queues!

Just outside the town centre, enjoy the pretty colonial streets all the way down Carrera 5. You’ll come across striking views of the surrounding Colombian landscapes. The 5K walk crosses a mainly flat terrain, charmed by the stillness of the scenery, we saw coffee farms and luscious greenery.

Finca el Ocaso cleverly places motivating quotes to encourage you along the way. However, when you reach the “0 metres left!” sign, another juicy steep driveway awaits you…

DAY TWO (AM): The Finca el Ocaso Coffee Tour

I lovee coffee

While I wouldn’t normally recommend heading to a tourist hotspot (coffee tour in coffee hub..) I have to say this family-run tour was informative and practical. You will learn the entire production process for the yummy coffee this region produces. The demonstration involved us picking ripe berries, and learning the different processing methods for draining, drying and roasting your cherries!

The coffee options range from passionfruit to peaberry. After the tour, you even get to taste a flavour of coffee of your choice. Peacefully, while overlooking the beautiful scenery of the Colombian coffee fields. The little family-run cafe serves a gorgeous plantain lasagne and a side of their cheesy or caramel pastry options!

The perfect spot for Colombian coffee!

DAY TWO (PM): Horse ride up to Finca El Sestillal

With stomachs full of coffee, our energy was higher than normal. We bumped into a local farmer and booked a horse ride up to the Finca El Sestillal- a tranquil sanctuary tucked away in the Colombian mountains. There are many horse ranges offering rides, we booked ours just outside the Coffee Tree Hostel costing just equivalent of just £4!

As we were hoisted onto our horses and ready to learn some riding tips, the owners indicated for us to ride off on our own…

“VAMOS!” they shouted while pointing their fingers.

“Ummm” we replied. Confused, we then laughed while anxiously trying to explain that we needed a guide to lead us (in broken Spanish!) The farmers seemed bemused but eventually agreed.

Just wow, here are some of the views from our trot along the mountains. All the way up to the quiet, and peaceful ranges from Finca El Sestillal.


For the grand finale of your trip, either relax in the centre, or I highly recommend hiking around the surroundings of Salento. Check out the array of exquisite nature reserved within a 1-2hours walk. Visit the Mirador Reserva Natural Santa Rita and enjoy the waterfall at the Reserva Natural La Patasola. The views from these hiking trails are breathtaking and worth the effort.

I adored my time in this popular destination for backpackers and tourists in Colombia. From hugging the world’s tallest palm tree to brewing my own full-flavoured Colombian coffee! Be ready for a memorable three days in serene Salento!

And that’s how you spend 72 hours in Salento!

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