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Joy Advocacy & Holistic Life Coaching

Clearing your path to Reveal joy beyond the clutter

Sophia Howard

About Me

I’m Sophia!

A former rat-racer turned intentional living coach and joy advocate through slow and simple living. I write, speak and share on how we can truly move from commodified, to authentic and simple joy.

I help you unpack your STUFF and offer coaching and digital products to help you slow down and simplify your world. I am here to play my part in building a world of more community & less consumerism. If you resonate with this vision, lets connect💫

Transition from a life dictated by speed and consumerism… To one enriched by simplicity and authentic joy. I help you say goodbye to the rat race, stress & overwhelm by decluttering your life, slowing down, and reconnecting with your body.

Sophia Howard

Deal with the stuff aND your stuff

Unpack your life: let go of physical and emotional clutter.

Sophia Howard

It’s time to embody your authentic joy

Sophia Howard

Book a free clarity call

My Philosophy

Many of us are living over-cluttered and chaotic lives. This clutter—whether it’s physical possessions, pain, trauma, people, jobs or commitments—utilises our time and space, stealing our joy and sense of peace. They occupy our minds, bodies, and spaces and often leaving us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected. Unfortunately, our consumer driven society tells us that joy comes from acquiring more—more possessions, more status, more fleeting pleasures. Yet, this relentless pursuit often leads to emptiness, dissatisfaction, and a disconnection from our true selves.

I believe healing is an act of letting go. We can choose to hold onto these burdens or to heal and release them and that true joy doesn’t come from external accumulation but from within, from clearing the clutter to make space for what truly matters.

My Approach

My approach is gently grounded in the principles of movement, mindfulness, and minimalism. Together, we will clear the mental, emotional, and physical clutter to make room for joy, freedom, and meaningful experiences.

Movement: Through slow travel and somatic healing, we explore the profound connection between our bodies and our well-being. Through taking a big leap and changing our environment or small steps like embracing gentle, intentional movement, we can begin to release stored trauma and rediscover the joy of being fully present in our bodies. Movement becomes a pathway to embodiment and freedom, allowing us to move through life with grace and ease.

Mindfulness: Living mindfully means embracing each moment with presence and intention. We cultivate a slower, more deliberate pace of life, allowing us to truly experience and appreciate the simple joys around us. Mindfulness helps us clear the mental clutter, letting go of the constant noise and distractions that keep us from connecting deeply with ourselves and others. It’s about finding contentment and purpose in the present moment.

Minimalism: By clearing the physical clutter from our lives, we create space for what truly matters. Minimalism is not just about getting rid of things but about making intentional choices that align with our values and aspirations. As a professional organiser, I guide you in this process, helping you to let go of excess and make room for joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

Together, we embark on a journey to reclaim your innate ability to find happiness in the little things. Through movement, mindfulness, and minimalism, we clear the path to a life filled with authentic joy and freedom. Let’s take this gentle journey together and discover the beauty that lies beyond the clutter.

Moving from commodified to authentic joy

Sophia Howard

The 3MMMs Mantra:

Movement: Discover the joy of slow travel, and the power of embodiment through somatic healing.

Mindfulness: Heal and embrace the present with the transformative power of slow living & tantra.

Minimalism: Experience the joy of clutter free living. Creating space to focus on what truly matters.